Scoring Respiratory Events (R)

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Score any event that appears in the epoch by using the Scoring Answer Menu and selecting up to two of the following choices in the "Respiratory" category: "Obstructive Apnea", "Central Apnea", "Mixed Apnea" or "Hypopnea"

Because not every epoch has a respiratory event, the default answer is none. Score any event that appears in an epoch, even if the event appears across multiple epochs, and only a portion of the event occurs in the current epoch. For example, if an obstructive apnea starts in epoch 97 and ends in epoch 98, score OA for epochs 97 and 98. If there is an obstructive apnea and a central apnea in epoch 125, score OA and CA. If there are 2 obstructive apneas in epoch 36, score OA for the epoch. Although it is recognized that apneas and hypopneas can occur during drowsiness preceding stage N1 sleep, these should not be scored because of the difficulty of defining the denominator to calculate an apnea hypopnea index. Therefore, do not enter any events for all epochs scored as W.

The pre-event baseline should be defined as the closest stable oximetry reading prior to the event or in the case where events are sufficiently frequent such that recovery of oxygenation does not occur, the highest value prior to the event.  Events that meet criteria for apnea and hypopnea should be scored as apneas.

For records dated September 2018 or later use rule D.1A. for scoring hypopneas

Score a respiratory event as a hypopnea if ALL of the following criteria are met:

a)       The peak signal excursions drop by ≥30% of pre-event baseline using nasal pressure (diagnostic study), PAP device flow (titration study), or an alternative hypopnea sensor (diagnostic study).

b)      The duration of the ≥30% drop in signal excursion is ≥10 seconds.

c)       There is a ≥3% oxygen desaturation from pre-event baseline or the event is associated with an arousal.

For records dated prior to August 2018 or earlier use rule D.1B. for scoring hypopneas

Score a respiratory event as a hypopnea if ALL of the following criteria are met:

a)       The peak signal excursions drop by ≥30% of pre-event baseline using nasal pressure (diagnostic study), PAP device flow (titration study), or an alternative hypopnea sensor (diagnostic study).

b)      The duration of the ≥30% drop in signal excursion is ≥10 seconds.

c)       There is a ≥4% oxygen desaturation from pre-event baseline.

Respiratory Event Scoring Keyboard Shortcuts

      Q - Obstructive Apnea

      W - Mixed Apnea

      E - Central Apnea

      R - Hypopnea

      T - Clear Score