Scoring for Sleep Stage (S)

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Choose one sleep stage score for each epoch. Select a stage using the Scoring Answer Menu (Right click in the signal area), by selecting "W", "N1", "N2", "N3" or "R" under the "Stage" category:

Every epoch must be scored for Sleep Stage. Default answers in all other categories are not counted unless stage is scored. If you mark an epoch as W, do not score any respiratory events or limb movements for that epoch.

Keyboard shortcuts offer a quicker way to score sleep stages. Use the keyboard's number pad to automatically advance to the next epoch (for multipass scoring) or the standard number keys to remain on the current epoch.

Stage Scoring Keyboard Shortcuts

0 - wake

1 - N1

2 - N2

3 - N3

4 - REM

When you select a stage, it will appear in the center of the current epoch, as well as the answers section in the lower left corner.